News & Events
Out of 38 Private Schools our students never failed to get into the Top 10! 
Grade 3 - Champion
Kinder - 3rd Place
Grade 4 - 4th Place
Grade 6 - 4th Place
Grade 1 - 6th Place
Grade 5 - 6th Place
Grade 2 - 9th Place
Congratulations to the kids and as well as to the teachers and parents who supported them all through out!
Presenting our 30 days readers achievers from Pre-Kinder 1 & Pre-Kinder 2.
Imagine your kid reading at 3 or 4 years old only. Young readers, young leaders!
Only at MSA, kids learn and have fun at the same time!
Congratulations, Class of 2023!
Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have paid off. As you step into the next chapter of your lives, may you continue to chase your dreams, embrace new challenges, and make a positive impact on the world.
Here's to a bright future filled with endless possibilities. Well done, graduates!
Mother Shepherd Academy proudly congratulates our Kinder Completers and Grade 6 Graduates for their accomplishments this S.Y. 2021-2022. You have done remarkably well and we are proud of you! Congratulations to the Class of 2022!
Enroll now to avail promos & discounts!
Better Learning through Blended Learning
Limited Face-to-Face classes & Online Distance Learning
- Progressive Learning Approach
- Zoom & Google Meet
- Google Suite Application Free for all Students
- Adapted Classrooms for COVID-19
- Safety Protocols in Check!
We Can Teach your Child to Read in just 30 Days!
Courses Offered:
Pre-school & Grade 1-6
Blended Learning refers to a learning delivery that combines in-person learning also called as face-to-face instruction, with online distance learning.
Preview or Download here: Blended Learning FAQs | Mother Shepherd Academy of Valenzuela